In 2006,Tarcoola. Austria.

Sully was one of the Finest detectives in the private sector. Andrew was an assistant Detective who supports sully all the time. One the case was handed over to Detective. Sully got a copy case history. A man murdered on Valentine's day.

On Feb 14th 2006,
 Robin was a Middle-Aged Men. Who killed at the front door of his own house near his left his car door opened. As dropped as blood stains flooded on the floor. The Murderous night was unusually silent, clear crime and well planned. 

Victim was alone, and at that time there was no electricity in the area.
Particularly, at that time nobody crossed suspicious on street-end camera. But as per autopsy report Victim was murdered exactly at 10:00 o'clock at night.

 As per autopsy victim’s Blood drained and caused slow Death. Mainly the motto was slow-death, killer Cuts victim’s back peroneal nerve.  Nobody was on the road at the time. 

There are no marks of hand print or missing syringe.
According to an Survey, in the work environment and family. Robin was a kind hearted person who helped everyone in his bad times. 
Even Robin doesn't have any affairs and other things.  But, what is the main motto to kill him?

After hearing the recording of the victim's phone call, nothing seems to be wrong. He was happy and even purchased a pre-owned car last week and planning to present his valentine.

While planning to visit her, He was murdered. After an hour his girlfriend reached his home. Found Robin was dead and called the police patrol. And she explained that nobody was at home.

Before half an hour. He called and said about his surprise gift. But after that no reply. While on Discussion,Assistant-Detective Andrew found one similar case closed without a clue. Last month, women found dead in a locked car. Andrew collected the old case history and suggested Sully to read it once. Asked Sully’s help to close from Detective Andrew's side.


Sully read the second case.  Without any clue. 

Cassandra 21, age girl seems to be a party beast and spends most of the time at night. Cassandra was found dead on January 3rd in her car. This time also there is nothing found as evidence. 

As per autopsy, Cassandra was dead due to highly consuming drugs. But as before Cassandra met with an accident. before two weeks ago she got tested by the hospital. As per that report. She was not a Drug addict. 

Sully went to the hotel and checked with Camera to find any suspicious activity. She enjoyed it very much at the party. After that she took her final shot of drinking and Moving out of the pub in the car parking lot. She was found dead in a locked car.

But there is no trace of murder. This was closed as a suicide from police side.

Suddenly, Sully’s feels to inspect the car once. Andrew Called the department and Got permission to inspect. Car was standing at the police station. 

The policeman who handled the case, said the victim Cassandra took drugs and closed her window. Due to overdose she was suffocated and tried to open the car door.
But she can’t find the car’s door. She led to death by knocking all way out. Nobody yet to find her for an hour.

Sully inspects Cassandra’s Colleges regarding affairs or having any relationship with someone. But nothing found suspicious. She was doing a great job and had Good decorum.  

Andrew inspected, Cassandra’s roommates also said the same. Cassandra was too sincere regarding safety. Even before a week she bought one Pre-owned car. And given a party too all roommates. But she never pretended to be consuming drugs before. Pretended to be the happiest girl.

Sully came back to the office and tried to connect the cases. Andrew helped him with case details and history

Detective Sully compared both cases victims. And both cases have Lots of similarities.
  1. Both are planning for a party.
  2. Both were found dead near or inside the car.
  3. Both people’s purchased car’s. Before a month ago due to various reasons.


Detective Sully, Went to Headquarters of police. 
Checked the pending cases.And he tracked in the same city nearly found in 9 similar cases. Each person was dead before or after from a party night. Every case closed as suicide because of no witness and evidence. Sully also confused this is not a coincidence.

Andrew read all the case history and inspected all the relations of each victim as per similar matches. Each one changed his car. After exchanging the car, exactly one month after Person was dead. Seems a little weird. Everyone went to a party or planned to go.

At the same Time in the police Department…!

An unknown Serial-killer kills people and disguised as anonymous. The police patrol can’t make out with any evidence. Day by day the number of murders rose rapidly. People of Tarcoola started losing hope of the police. 

Finally the case turned into a national issue in Austria. The president decided to put a lot of security at night time. People fainted when they went outside in the evening.

Most cases those people went to for party have been watched for a month and perfectly killed with a proper time and slow death methods. 

But a Person called the Police Department and said to Help her someone was coming to Kill her. The police thought it was a rumor and left. Next day morning she was for dead at Kingston's pub parking lot and burnt with a car.

Sully got that information and went to Kingston’s pub. Charlie, a policeman, who investigated the case was an old friend. Both of them exchanged cases and ideas with each other. Charlie mentioned that the lady who called the police station was millie.

As per Charlie's investigation,Neighbours who were around her home stated that. Millie was a Black witch. Every week people came to her at midnight for prayers. Once a month, She went somewhere else for main prayers.


Same time Detective Sully and Inspector Charlie went to Millie’s House. They found her Diary with a Dark map. In that diary she mentioned that.

Millie is a member of a secret cult. Everyone who was a member there was praying for a long life and staying young. For that, the cult believes in Human sacrifice. They kidnapped a children’s and killed them as per mentioned in the book of “Para-Hellis”.

Para-Hellis, a book written by Ancestors cult. 
As per the internet, the book shows the way to live young forever. By satisfying the Hell’s Angel “Kinea”. She will appear every cult prayer and accept the sacrifice. Instead of that she’ll skip their ageing and increase the life time.

 But after you started doing that you cannot stop that practice or skip the practice. Day by day, members of the cult increased. The Angel was not satisfied and started killing its own cult people. Due to this issue, the leader of the cult decided to cover it up. 

Senior members of the cult assembled to solve this issue.The cult decided and separately had a deal with the Angel “Kinea”.The deal was, The Angel Can take any new members' lives of cult. Instead of that the cult asking the same stay young and long life. Anyhow millie got to know about the second deal. And try to alert the other members. But the Leader of cult sent Kinea to kill her. 

As per she mentioned Kinea is an angel who cursed by a cult of people. Started accepting the human sacrifice. The Dark Map leads to a Mountain. There was a statue of Kinea with her eyes Flooded with blood. Requires a proper prayer to solve all problems. But the mountain was guarded by the cult senior members.

Andrew and Charlie, planned to Join as cult members and record secretly with their activities.
If the cult did its prayer make a harmless bomb blast to make the cult unconscious, that time Sully made a prayer with the priest and the blood flow stopped.

The angel appeared back as Normal fairy and asked for a wish, Sully asked back every life which was taken for sacrifice before. The angel accepted the wish and brought back everyone who was killed by herself. Instead of that, the angel took back the whole cult members to hell.