Ghost has many names as per religions and Countries In the world near by 84.5% of  the People Believes in ghost today we gonna see some details urban legends who were popular in India.

Nale Ba ("Come Tomorrow")

Naale Baa is the popular folk legend popularly known in Karnataka..! Mostly it was Found on walls and doors of the smallest Villages and towns for years now. in some variations the spirit believed to be a "Bridal ghost", who searching for her husband.

Naale baa was an urban legend who was viral During 1990's in karnataka. The myth roams all over the street and start knocking the doors at night. the witch apparently speaks in Voices of your kin so you deceived to open the doors.

"If you open the doors, u will be die" So the residents came up with new idea of writing "Naale baa" on their doors and walls. and the ghost read it and will come back cycle repeats.


Pishachas are the Flesh-eating Demons in Hindu's Theology. Such theology describe them are sons of "Krotha"( anger). Most of other Theology described that pisachas are the Daughters of Daksa. Daksa was well Known Son Of Bramha.

The Identity of Pisacha was bulging veins and protruding, red eyes.and Even Theology believed that they are having separate Languages called "Paisachi" unattested languages.
According to one legend,the are the sons of kashyapa and Krodhavasa. The Nilamat Puran of the 7th century mentions the valley of Kashmir being inhabited by two tribes: the Nagas and the Pisachas.

Interesting Facts of Pisacha's

  • They like darkness and traditionally are depicted as haunting cremation grounds along with other monsters like bhutas and vetālas.
  • They have the power to assume different forms at will, and may also become invisible.
  • They feed on human energies.
  • Sometimes, they possess human beings and alter their thoughts, and the victims are afflicted with a variety of maladies and abnormalities like insanity.
  • Certain mantras are supposed to cure such afflicted persons and drive away the Pisacha which may be possessing that particular human being.
  • In order to keep the Piśāca away, they are given their share of offerings during certain religious functions and festivals.


Preta was also known as Hungry Ghost. It was Believed Not only in Hinduism, Even in  Buddhism, Taoism, and Chinese and Vietnamese folk religion.  particularly They have extreme level of hunger and thirst.

the preta started with just thinking that it was the soul and ghost of a person once they died, but later the concept developed into a transient state between death and obtaining karmic reincarnation in accordance with the person’s fate.

Every Religions having different types of Story,Let u know in Future Blog..!

Interesting facts of Preta

  • Pretas are invisible to the human eye, but some believe they can be discerned by humans in certain mental states.
  • They are described as human-like, but with sunken, mummified skin, narrow limbs, enormously distended bellies and long, thin necks.
  •  This appearance is a metaphor for their mental situation: they have enormous appetites, signified by their gigantic bellies, but a very limited ability to satisfy those appetites, symbolized by their slender necks.
  • Some of them can eat a little, but find it very difficult to find food or drink.
  • Others can find food and drink, but find it very difficult to swallow. Others find that the food they eat seems to burst into flames as they swallow it.
  • Others see something edible or drinkable and desire it but it withers or dries up before their eyes.
As a result, they are always hungry.


Daayan Means witch , which refers to a female paranormal entity from Patala.The dakini has been mentioned in medieval Hindu texts as a female fiendish spirit in the train of Kali who feeds on human flesh.

Daayans are comparable to malevolent or vengeful female spirits such as the succubi of Western folklore.

Interesting Facts of Daayan

  •  The primary source of a Daayan's power is her long plaited hair or ("choti").
  • she is described as having long and monstrous black nails, and feet that face backward.
  •  It is also said that once a Daayan lays her evil eye on someone, it is a bad omen for the whole household of that person. She is regarded as the most powerful paranormal being.

Some more types are Believed as a Angel on Other religious wills let u know in other Blogs