Robin’s Diary. 
Robin was a Middle-class boy who always stays friendly in the circles of his Daily Routine. He never seems an angry or sad, always calm minded person. His mom Pepper was also the same alone and happy. Robin’s Father Peter Passed away while robin was 8. While on that Time Robin only spended a lot of time with Pepper. 

Even in school Times Robin was not like now, he was a Chatterer. He never neglects any debate, robin was a good will student. But Robin was not mature enough to understand his mother’s situation. 

One Day, Robin borrows a pen from His school mate. He forgot to return that. After so many days robin Got lost his Friend’s pen. After a week his friend asked his pen back, robin said it was lost. His Friend started crying and asked it back. Robin came back from school, he didn't know how to say this to mom.

In the evening, he came from school. Already his friend Kenny's father told Pepper regarding this. He was beaten up and scolded a lot and her mom says Never borrow anything from others.
While in dinner time he peeked in the kitchen. Pepper cried over there.

This Lesson approaches robin in a different way. He stopped even speaking with Kenny and others. Pepper gave him a lot of books to read and she loves to read and collect coins. Robin started to spend his most of the time with her mom. Even on weekends he started going to her mother’s factory and helped her.

Day by day, Robin grew up to be a teenager. Everyone at his age, having their own bike, pocket money and Costly mobile’s. But Robin started Reading books and he changed to his Father’s Room. Robin got a part-time job as a newspaper delivery boy.

Robin Saved all his money and purchased two low model mobile and gifted one to Pepper. Pepper was satisfied and happy, because of Robin’s maturity. 

March 16th.

On Peter's Memorial Day, Robin started cleaning the house and Rooms. While cleaning the Peter’s Book self. An old diary, kept in dust. Robin checked it was with peter’s Picture. He Kept that diary in his Bed side self. Went to church and brought a priest and performed prayer rituals For peter.

After Dinner, Robin laid on his bed. The diary fell down from the self. Robin noticed that. he took the book and Started Reading, the diary was not about peter, the diary was to robin from peter.
Peter named the diary name as Robin.

Chapter 2
Dear Diary, 
After a long Time Pepper was pregnant, I was so happy. Am gonna be a father soon. Am planning for a party at night. God blessed me.

Dear Diary.
Finally, my loan got approved. Am starting my company with package delivery. Pepper was happy and her face turned into cute pink. After 5 years of struggle I started my own entrepreneurship. I bought a Thompson Ai53, to deliver the mails and packages.

Dear Diary.
Today i went with Pepper For Her First month check up. Doctor said “ keep her safe and don’t let her stress”. The baby form was good. And prescribed some medicines. Today onwards I never let her to do any work. 

Dear Diary.
This is the second month checkup report. Pepper and baby was good. And my business picked up a bit. No loss but no profit. Now I can handle that pressure. Pepper was my hope, everytime she supported me a lot. Finally I brought back Her ornaments back from loan.

Dear diary, 
I missed you a lot. Sorry, i left you unnoticed. In the past 5 months, I have started working hard, and my business growth has been more than good. Now I have 5 delivery boys in my office.
Pepper and I decided on a name for the baby.

Dear diary, 
After a big debate, Pepper and I came to a conclusion. If a baby is a boy, his name was Robin. Else baby is a girl then her name was lucy. i felt all the time it must be robin. Doctor said to be careful this month anytime pain will come.

November 23rd.
Dear Diary, Finally it was Robin. We are Happy about his presence. Everything was good. Feeling like a feather flew with wind.

Chapter 3

Robin, Felt asleep. Next day morning, he went to his Father’s Garage. He Find the Thompson Ai53. It seems pretty old and needs some work. He repaired it. After spending the whole day it was started working fine.

He took the vehicle for a ride. He went to her mother’s office and showed his work. She feels happy and her eyes are full of tears. She Feels Peter. The next day robin started reading again.

Some of the pages were damaged, a letter fell down from the diary.

April 19th.
Dear Robin,
Am sorry to leave you. I tried my best to become a good Father, but i can’t do the same now. An unknown virus started spreading all over the world. People are fainted, even the government shuts the schools, offices and cities. 
Unfortunately, i was affected by the virus and there was no medicine to cure it. A last hope or wish, even if I can't come there my heart is with you robin. Take care of your mother. She is my only hope to make you a perfect man. Tell her how much I love both of you. Never let her down.
While getting this letter you might be an teenager as i expected.  

                                                                                                                                       Last kiss.

Climax will be soon